City Services
City Information - Round the clock 24/7 311
What is 3-1-1? 3-1-1 is an easy to remember, citywide, toll-free number that provides immediate access to information and more than 1,500 non-emergency city services. Calls are answered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by 3-1-1 agents who are trained to provide information or refer calls for service to the correct City agency.Parking Enforcement
Abandoned Vehicles 800-222-6366
Building & Safety 310-575-8200
Department of Transportation
DWP (Electric and Water) 800-342-5397
Fire Department - Emergency or Paramedics 911
Fire Department - Non-Emergency 213-485-5971
Garbage - Bulky Item Pick Up 800-773-2489
Garbage Pickup or Container Replacement 800-773-2489
Gas Company 800-427-2200
Graffiti Cleanup 310-204-2748
Noise - Santa Monica Airport 310-458-8591
Police - Emergency 911
Police Non-emergency, Pacific Division 310-482-6334
Police Non-emergency, Main Headquarters 877- ASKLAPD or 877-275-5273
Police-Neighborhood Watch, Senior Lead Officer, Juan Ceja
cell: (424) 215-7783 email: Library, Palms Rancho Park Branch, 2920 Overland 310-840-2142
Sidewalk Repair 800-996-2489
Street Maintenance 213-473-8410
Telephone Repair 611
Tree Trimming 213-473-8410
Park-related emergencies 323-913-7390
Traffic Signals 818-374-4823
Road closures (Cal Trans) 800-427-7623
Street Lights 800-996-2489
American Red Cross public information 213-739-5200
Animal Services 888-452-7381
Building Inspection 888-524-2845
Storm damage/mud slide reports 888-524-2845
Sewer/storm drain problems 800-773-2489
Trees down/debris removal & related problems 800-996-2489
The City's Bureau of Sanitation picks up garbage on Friday but does not pick up on: New Year's Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day
Web Sites
Emergency Survival Training
Los Angeles City
Mar Vista Community Council
Palms Neighborhood Council
State of California
U.S. Congress
Westside Village Homeowners Association
Los Angeles Historic Resources Inventory
The first online information and management system created for the City of Los Angeles to inventory, map, and describe the historic places in your neighborhood and beyond, (including links to many agencies of the City Government).
5 Points of Contact
Pacific’s geographical territory is divided into eight separate “basic car” areas, each managed by a Senior Lead Officer (SLO). Even though SLOs are your primary point of contact for on-going crimes or quality of life concerns, there are four additional points of contact to assist you. It is important to remember that you should call 911 to report crimes in progress or (877) ASK-LAPD to report all other crimes. Your Five Points of Contact are listed below: